Bob & Alice
Need To Talk

But how can you make that happen easily, with a message system they're already familiar with, and have it work on pretty much any phone, but protect both of their numbers?

Checkout the Code

SMS Proxying

What happens when two of your users want to easily message each other, but they don't want to give out their phone numbers.

Maybe it's an ecommerce platform, and a buyer has a question for a seller. Perhaps it's a freelance site, and a client wants to message a potential contractor.

Whatever the case, it's easy to mask a user's private number using a Nexmo virtual number.

Example Code

This simple example allows users to SMS their email address to start an SMS chat with another random user. A simple admin shows the proxied connection and the chat logs.

Both users SMS the same Nexmo virtual number, while their personal numbers are masked by the proxy.

Checkout the code.